The next step for sustainable plaster?

Sustainability is one of the most important topics in the construction sector. People want buildings that are more eco-friendly in terms of the embodied carbon and operational carbon. So, it is more vital than ever to choose the right materials and techniques. This includes plastering. We want to take a closer look today at plaster sustainability and a new interesting product. Then, if you want help from top plasterers in Sheffield, you can speak to us.

Is it sustainable?

Plasterers SheffieldSadly, conventional plastering isn’t the best when it comes to sustainability. The issue is that cement is a key component of plaster. Sadly, producing cement produces a lot of carbon dioxide. In fact, the estimate is the production is responsible for 8% of global emissions. So, there can be high embodied carbon.

It is not all doom and gloom here though. There are ways to make conventional plaster more sustainable. For example, you need to choose products carefully. A good idea is to select ready-mix plaster with gypsum instead of cement. You can also ensure it will last a long time in the property. Plus, you can look ahead and plan the end of life of the materials.

Other options

If you want to be even more sustainable, you can choose eco-friendly plastering. For example, you could opt for lime or clay plaster instead of cement. Both are more sustainable because they use renewable or recycled materials and have lower levels of embodied carbon. Lime plaster can actually be really good because it can sequester carbon as it cures. Natural plasters like these are also known to remove toxins from the air.

However, you do need to be careful if you choose natural plasters. They can take longer to cure and gain strength. This is the main benefit of traditional plaster; it can set and cure in a matter of hours. Some are more sensitive to moisture, have lower compressive strength, and are prone to thermal cracking. It is a good idea to talk to experts like our plasterers in Sheffield if you want to consider different plastering options.

Newer development

One of the most interesting new advances in sustainable plastering is the use of volcanic ash. A new product by a manufacturer in Sicily has recently been developed. It is known as Etna because it uses ash from the Italian volcano. The product has gotten a lot of attention, and there was a presentation recently at UK Construction Week.

Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes in Europe. Its activity produces a large amount of ash. There has been work to recover it and utilise it to create plaster, concrete, mortar, brick products, and even road substrates.

The Etna plaster is an interesting product. The producer says it is “a combination of the volcanic ash, natural hydraulic lime, natural active ingredients, and mineral aggregates”. You mix with water and can then apply it exactly the same as other plasters.

It will be interesting to see if more projects start using Etna in the future. It has a massive advantage of being sustainable. Research also found that the volcanic ash gives the material impressive thermal insulating properties.

Do you want to work with top plasterers in Sheffield?

G Lee Plastering is one of the most flexible specialists in the area. We can utilise different types of plaster for our clients, helping them to get the best results. This can even include using traditional lime plasters to retain original features in properties. We can also look at newer, sustainable materials.

So, whatever project you have in mind, contact us and choose some of the best plasterers in Sheffield. We’ll do a fantastic job every time.